Forward-thinking delivery for great results
Butler Railway Station is located 7.5km north of Clarkson Station, previously Perth’s northernmost train stop. This extension was a vital step in linking the residents of Butler and surrounds to the Joondalup Line and greater Perth.
Recognisable by its striking roof form and fluidly sculpted panels, the new station’s design is a welcoming, functional, and attractive connection point for the community. Its futuristic Park ‘n’ Ride facility comprises 900 car bays with capacity for a flow of over 15,000 passengers daily.
Despite the challenges of coordinating the build of a complicated design that had to meet a raft of requirements, the station was successfully completed three months ahead of schedule and delivered under budget. This was testament to our careful planning and collaborative approach throughout the build process.
Delivered ahead of schedule
3 months 0 months
Increase in surrounding area bus boardings
13% 0%
Weekly passengers
20,000 0
Working to exacting requirements
Following a comprehensive tender and selection process by the State Government, Cooper & Oxley were appointed as construction lead on this landmark project.
To ensure its successful delivery, we assembled an experienced team to diligently manage each aspect and maintain compliance with the PTA’s strict safety, access, and layout requirements.
The project initially presented a number of challenges in implementing its fluid and sculpted design. With a significant amount of planning, collaboration, shop drawing and installation works, any issues were eliminated when the materials arrived.
Cooper and Oxley regularly showed initiative and put forward suggestions to improve or simplify construction details where appropriate to the benefit of all parties to the project.
Andrew Ainsworth, Director, Coniglio Architects
Proactive ideas to add value
As part of the design development, Cooper & Oxley and consultants investigated the use of longspan roof cladding systems in order to minimise vertical structure and roof support. This approach resulted in a reduction in steel quantities while enhancing the overall appearance of the facility.
Another area where we added value was in the building services array. Working closely with Coniglio Ainsworth Architects, we integrated a number of key communication and data services, such as cables for signals and the CCTV cameras. Cable pits were installed to provide maintenance staff with easy access to the extensive cable network that connects into Perth’s rail system.
Total value of project
$27 m $0 m
Tonnes of ballast
41,600 0
Upper roof area
2,250m2 0m2
Completed March 2014
Designed by Coniglio Ainsworth Architects
Today, the station is used by approximately ~20,000 passengers weekly, making it a vital part of connecting Perth’s growing northern corridor with the rest of the city.